Land opportunities – Darcliffe Homes

Land opportunities

Darcliffe Homes is actively seeking land and development opportunities throughout the Thames Valley corridor and beyond.

With a proven track record in successfully obtaining planning permission and delivering land for development, we specialise in the regeneration of brownfield sites and buildings, greenfield sites and the promotion of strategic land, often where others before us have been unsuccessful. As a builder of bespoke new homes, land is the lifeblood of our company.

Our experienced team have achieved planning permission where others have struggled, and our extensive market know-how enables us to create successful developments that enhance their surroundings.

We adopt a proactive approach to land acquisitions, and through our own in-house land and planning professionals, development planning and close working relationships with local authorities are able to maximise land values whilst making the acquisition process quick and efficient for land owners. Consequently, we have an acquisition record to be proud of.

We are actively searching for development opportunities in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire, Surrey, West Sussex and Wiltshire.

When acquiring land we adopt an open, honest and trustworthy approach. We have the ability to act quickly to resolve complex technical and planning issues and undertake a detailed evaluation of sometimes complicated and challenging sites.

We can acquire land with planning permission, or work with the landowner to gain consent, and are often willing to enter into joint venture arrangements to develop sites together with owners.

Joint ventures

Darcliffe Homes’ ambitions are not solely confined to our own projects. With a successful track record in joint venture schemes across the residential and mixed use sectors, we are actively seeking new development partners.

We adopt an individual approach to each joint venture as every deal will be tailored to meet the needs and requirements of a specific development partner. Through our residential and commercial experience, our aim is to work in partnership maximising and enhancing your developments profitability.

To discuss any land opportunities, please call us on 0118 903 5186 or email